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Dilemma of a Young Mind Page 5

Mayank is Kanak’s friend from his University days. Kanak met Mayank a few days back in an official function. During the recess they have a hearty talk. By nature Mayank is a jolly person and during his University days, he was surrounded by friends, both boys and girls. Now he is a senior officer in an MNC and still keeps his jovial mood all along. Kanak was always envious about Mayank’s proximity to beautiful girls of their classes and beyond.

  As, it may happen to anybody, Kanak is disturbed recently due to some family problems. His one of the cousin’s husband is apparently developing some relations with another lady of her office. As usual, matter came to a mess when his cousin suspected her husband without any concrete evidence. Many family members from both sides were involved unwittingly and whole problems manifested to manifold. As his cousin is known to Mayank, Kanak told Mayank about the plight of the young lady.

  Mayank asked Kanak, ‘Are sure that your brother in law has an illicit relation with some one else? I mean, any concrete proof?’

  ‘Probably, no. The whole suspicion is based on some hearsay and visual proximity of the lady with my brother in law. Actually, problem started when some of our relatives informed my cousin about the girl whom they claimed to see in a secluded place holding each others hands. Without verifying the facts, the young lady confronted her husband and that snowballed the whole issue.’

  ‘Initially, my brother in law was defensive, but now he is very much offensive and ready to divorce my cousin. Now, without a job, she will be in a thick soup if he divorces her. Those relatives who fuelled the fire, now backed out. Even, those relatives who informed the poor girl that they saw her husband with the other lady backtracked and say that they actually had not seen him holding hands, but somebody else(imaginary distant relatives) saw them. (Moral of the story: Do not jump to a conclusion unless facts are verified)

  ‘I do not know about your brother in law’s character or attitude towards other ladies in general, and about this lady, in particular. But, I can share my experience with this type of situation.’ The following paragraphs are synopsis what Mayank told to Kanak with spices and chilies.

  A few months back, Mayank was informed by a trusted friend(a lady) that Ms. X had said something very much objectionable about him. His friend initially hesitated to tell him what opinion had been made by her, in Mayank’s absence. However, when insisted, his friend hesitantly told that the lady, in front of many other ladies, told that Mayank is a womanizer. He is nothing but a loose character etc. etc. When Mayank’s friend asked her, had ever, Mayank misbehaved with her, she replied, ‘He does not have that guts to touch me.’ Then, Mayank’s friend asked her, ‘Have you seen anything objectionable with any lady by your own eyes.’ ‘No, I have not seen anything personally, but I heard many things from some reliable sources. Further, from his body language, whenever, he is talking with some ladies, I can make out his intention, character etc.’

  Many ladies present there, objected to the comments made by Ms. X. She was told categorically, such type of comments, in his absence, is not warranted and that too on the basis of hearsay. After not getting any support from other ladies, she left the place with a huff, but not before commenting, ‘You are also part of that group, who likes to flirt with him.’ (Moral of the story: If you do not agree with some one’s views, you may also be un-necessarily accused by the aggrieved party without any valid reasons)

  After, hearing from his friend about the comments made by Ms.X, Mayank recalled another incidence, thirty years back when he was in the University as a Master degree student.

  During his holiday, his sister who joined the erstwhile college during that period asked him, ‘Dada, do you know Saghamitra Das?’

  ‘I know three Sanghamitra Das, one was my classmate, who left college in the midway due to her marriage, one was one year junior to us who sings very well and third one was the sister of one of my classmates.’ Mayank told.

  ‘I am talking about the third one. She claims before me that, you proposed her, when you were the Secretary of the Students Union and she snubbed.’

  ‘If she claims, that must be correct.’ Mayank answered with a mysterious smile.

  ‘No Dada, you are hiding something!’

  ‘The girl actually sent a New Year Greeting card to me by using a pseudo name. I could not recognize the girl for a long time. In the meantime, I developed a relation with some one else. However, that relation did not last long and unfortunately, the girl with whom I developed a relation happened to be her best friend. I can not say why Sanghamitra cooked up the story and told particularly to you. So far I am concerned, I am sorry for the other girl with whom I had to break up. But hearing from you, now I have full sympathy for the young lady(Sanghamitra) also. I think, she might have also a strong feeling for me, which, she could not express explicitly.’ Mayank concluded.

  It happens with many persons. What he or she feels for someone, if it is not reciprocated, he or she does not want to digest it and try to create a falsehood surrounding him/her, where he/she continues to live in.

  In the present case, should Mayank come to a conclusion that this lady(Ms.X) has also a crush on him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But at this age???????????????????????????? (Moral of the story: No body is sure, who loves you and who does not)

  After Mayank finished his own experiences, Kanak obliquely asked, ‘Do you want to say that, you do not have any relationship outside your wedlock?’

  ‘I have not said that. But what I said is that, though I may be surrounded by ladies, I maintain different relation with different ladies and I never cross the Lakshman rekha, except one occasion. Further, if I say, a girl is like my sister, I mean it. I not only treat her as my sister, but I may also go upto any extent to do a brother’s duties and sacrifice any thing for her. That may the reason why a girl/lady believes me and take anything at my face value. Further, I always respect their decisions.’ Mayank told to Kanak.

  Kanak retorted, ‘Ok, Ok! I do not want to hear any self praise from you. But I want to know about the exceptional case, you have mentioned.’

  ‘Why? Do not worry! The exceptional case does not involve any known person to you. Still you want to know?’ Mayank smiled the same mysterious way.

  Mayank was attending a meeting in a southern city of India. In the meeting, he met a lady from the marketing division of his own organization. She is around forty years of age, having two teenaged kids. Mayank met her for the first time and immediately developed a liking for her. After the meeting, the lady told Mayank to accompany her to the shopping plaza which was very near to the hotel, where Mayank was staying. After shopping, when the lady wanted to refresh, Mayank offered his key of his room. But the lady refused to go to his room and instead she used the wash room attached to the hotel lobby. Mayank appreciated her decision and he went to his room for taking a bath and came down to the lobby and escorted the lady to a near by restaurant for the dinner. During dinner they have a lot of talking about their families and friends. After dinner, the lady requested Mayank to drop her at her hotel which Mayank happily agreed. They took a taxi to the hotel. Inside the taxi, Mayank put a hand on her shoulder which she did not object. Though, distance between the hotels were only five kilometers, the taxi took around one long hour due to traffic jam and chemistry between the two started working.

  After reaching the hotel, Mayank requested the lady, if she would mind if they go for a stroll. The lady glanced to Mayank and agreed and said, ‘Let me change my dress and please sit at the lobby.’

  Mayank waited for the lady anxiously and finally she did come with a beautiful dress. They went out of the hotel and walked aimlessly holding each others’ hands. People on the road already became thinner and Mayank became bolder and bolder. He touched the face of the lady. But the lady strongly objected to that and admonished Mayank for his behavior. Mayank thought everything is over. But to his surprise, the lady did not tell Mayank to curtail the walk. On the other hand, they went further end of the street. At the
end of the street, there was a wall which is about five feet, which was high enough to obstruct the vision of the lady. Mayank saw a very beautiful statue inside the compound. Mayank gave a description of the statue which the lady likes, but felt sorry for not seeing it. Mayank told the lady, ‘If you don’t mind I can pick you up to see that!’

  That sentence changed the whole world for them. The lady landed a kiss on the lips of Mayank. After some initial resistance the lady went to the hotel of Mayank and stayed overnight. On the next day, Mayank stayed with her in her hotel. (Moral of the story: Be prepare for a windfall at anytime any where and enjoy it and do not repent it.)

  After finishing the story, Manyank said, ‘That is the only occasion when I pursued a lady and later on, the lady admitted that she was convinced by my one sentence that if you want to enjoy your life, for once, you have to forget your family and you have to discard the idea to sacrifice your wishes for the sake of your family, each and every time.’

  ‘But you have ditched your family and that lady also ditched her family. Is not it?’ Kanak contended.

  ‘You can see the facts from two different angles. If you see from moral point of view, yes it is not a good thing we did. But if you see, ‘chance and tide will not wait for any one’ point of view, we did the right thing. It is your choice, which way you want to go/see. Both ways are correct for some people or otherwise. So far I am concerned, I am fulfilling all the obligations of my family faithfully, and she also does in the same way. Still we are keeping contacts with each other and still we are having healthy relation. We may not meet again in our life time, but we love each other without any physical or mental contamination. By the way, do you know the story of Mr. XXX, the honest and pious person who died at the age of eighty with all contentment of life?’

  (Moral of the story: If you see a telescope from the opposite side, objects are seen as if they are further away from the original place. Therefore, one should see it from the proper side).

  ‘What is the story?’ Kanak asked. This is a published story in a book. However, it is twisted somewhat for suiting local environment.

  “Mr. XXX, as already said, died at the ripe age of eighty leaving behind his 75 year old wife and two sons and host of relatives. After his death, he had to face the officer in charge of the souls who decides which soul has to be sent where, what will be duties of the soul for next hundred years etc. on the basis of dossier submitted by the escorting officer of the soul. Two souls were standing before Mr. XXX. The Officer in charge, delivered verdict for the first soul, Mr.Y, ‘as you had cheated your wife once and had done few other bad things in your life, you have to supervise the work of the next soul after you. You will be provided a normal jeep without hood to protect you from rain and scorching sun. If jeep breaks down, you will be given a mechanic to fix the problems. You will be given a body of forty years to perform your duties. Your body will be of same resemblance with the body of your body which you have to abandon most recently. You have to wait for few minutes to perform your duties till your subordinate is assigned his duties.

  Turning to the person(soul) just in front of him, the Officer in charge started his lecture on him, ‘Mr. Z, you rascal, you have enjoyed your life at the cost of others. You had cheated your wife, neighbors, friends and relatives all the time. You had not spared even your best friend. Now you have to pay for it. You are assigned the duties of the garbage collector. You will be provided with all the equipment of garbage collection from true streets down the line. You will be provided with an old truck which may be broken down at any time. You have to fix it and clear the garbage day and night. Any small deviation will attract immediate punishment. Punishment ranges from five lashes to cutting off limbs etc. But do not worry, limbs will grow instantly, but pain will continue for many days depending upon the degree of punishment. For all these assigned works you will be given a body of fifty year old resembling your recent body.’

  Finally he spoke to Mr.XXX, ‘O my dear soul of honesty, goodness, faithfulness and piousness, you are most welcome to our state of souls. You had cooked for your family, gave all good education to your children, loved your wife unconditionally, never even thought for cheating your wife, took your family to the restaurant over the weekends. Now it is our duty to serve you. You will get a body similar to that of your 25 year old body free of all ailments for next 100 years. We shall provide you a luxury car with a colour which is yet to be introduced on earth. The car will never break down for next hundred years, filled with gas for next hundred years and no limit to go to anywhere. Be happy here as long you want and take any service from these two rascals without any return service whenever you want. Whenever, you stop your car and think about these two rascals, they will be there.’

  The moment he finished his speech, a beautiful car, never seen on the earth, appeared before the saintly man. Mr. XXX entered the car and car started moving.

  Five year passed. Mr. Y and Mr. Z were passing there time with lot of difficulties. Particularly, Mr. Z has to pass everyday with one or other punishment. He wants to die but death can not come to a soul. One day, Mr.Y and Mr.Z got a signal, to report Mr.XXX. They appeared before Mr. XXX in no time. They saw, Mr. XXX was weeping like a kid. They were surprised to see him crying. On persistent query, the rascal got the answer from Mr.XXX, ‘A few minutes ago I saw my wife was driving a truck, similar to that of Mr.Z.’ He again started weeping.” For the first time in the soul state, two rascals laughed heartily. But the pious man interrupted, ‘I am not crying, because my wife cheated me, but because I loved her and now she is suffering, may be because of my fault!’ (Moral of the story: Do not lead yourself to a position from where you can not return back.)

  ‘Do you want to say that a good man like Mr.XXX is always cheated by his wife and friends?’ Kanak asked.

  ‘Not necessarily. But, being honest is not enough to live in this world. One should be vigilant about his surroundings so that he is not fooled by others.’ Mayank quipped. ‘Though I respect the feeling and broad heart of the saintly man, at least, I shall not prefer to drive a luxury car when, my wife will be driving a truck in soul state!’ He laughed like a villain in a Hindi film.

  Though Kanak could not find a solution to the problem faced by her cousin, a different kind of doubt engulfed him! He asked himself, whether Ms. X is correct regarding character of Mayank? Somehow, he was not convinced with the self certification of Mayank. Does Mayank indicating that, Kanak is expected to drive a Luxury car whereas his wife will drive a truck in soul state? Kanak’s wife is also always in praise for Mayank! Is it just a praise for husband’s friend or something else !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Chapter 6: Relative Money